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Apeel material
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.
What Life Cycle Assessment measures
All along the produce supply chain, resources like water, fuel, electricity, and packaging are used to grow, transport, process, and sell produce. Life cycle assessment works by translating all these inputs into environmental burdens.
Our LCA studies measure the environmental footprint of produce both with and without Apeel, comparing the two to quantify the avoided environmental impacts. All Apeel LCA results take the environmental footprint of our product into account. See our most recent LCA report below for more details.
In order to calculate the positive impact of our technology, a key input into our LCA studies is data on where in the supply chain and by how much we prevent food waste. We have measured our impact on retail food waste by conducting controlled, in-store pilot tests. In these studies, a set of control stores received standard, untreated fruit, and the food waste rate in those stores was compared to a second set of stores that received Apeel-protected fruit. To learn more about Apeel’s pilot test methodology, see the Impact Metrics Methodology below.
What Life Cycle Assessment measures
All along the produce supply chain, resources like water, fuel, electricity, and packaging are used to grow, transport, process, and sell produce. Life cycle assessment works by translating all these inputs into environmental burdens.
We have a risk methodology to evaluate the risk of our potential raw materials and suppliers. Depending on risk results are based on social and environmental risk based in our code of conduct based on region, spend, strategic supplier, and the material.
We have a risk methodology to evaluate the risk of our potential raw materials and suppliers. Depending on risk results are based on social and environmental risk based in our code of conduct based on region, spend, strategic supplier, and the material.
What Life Cycle Assessment measures
All along the produce supply chain, resources like water, fuel, electricity, and packaging are used to grow, transport, process, and sell produce. Life cycle assessment works by translating all these inputs into environmental burdens.
We have a risk methodology to evaluate the risk of our potential raw materials and suppliers. Depending on risk results are based on social and environmental risk based in our code of conduct based on region, spend, strategic supplier, and the material.
We have a risk methodology to evaluate the risk of our potential raw materials and suppliers. Depending on risk results are based on social and environmental risk based in our code of conduct based on region, spend, strategic supplier, and the material.
People testimonials
Source: Conducted by IPSOS on Behalf of Apeel, March 2021, “Apeel vs. Plastic-Wrapped English Cucumber Study”
When the highest quality produce can stay fresh and vibrant on your shelves longer, you can reduce in-store waste and increase the sales (and satisfaction) of your customers.
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.
Apeel is composed of only food grade ingredients made from materials that exist in the peels, seeds and pulp of all the fruits and vegetables we already eat.